


Article 1.
Participants can send a maximum of five different ex-libris, not previous to 2019.
Three copies of each will be send and will not be returned.
Article 2. There are no restrictions on style, work methods or techniques.
The theme of the ex-libris should be "Ex-libris for Peace".
Article 3. The ex-libris will contain the word "Ex-libris" and the motto "Ex-libris for Peace", in the chosen language.
Article 4. On the back of the ex-libris it must appear: 1) name of the artist, 2) technique, 3) year of execution, 4) postal address and 5) email.
Article 5. The maximum size of the work is limited to 190 mm x 140 mm and the image may occupy all or part of the surface of the paper.
Article 6. June 15, 2024 is the deadline for sending the ex-libris, postage paid, to the following


Carrer de Santa Anna, 16
43003 Tarragona

Article 7. A FIRST PRIZE OF 1.000 € will be awarded and honourable mentions without financial contribution will be decided by the jury. The winner must deliver, within 30 days after being informed of the jury's decision, an edition of 50 copies of the winning ex-libris that will be distributed, free of charge, among the members of the jury, the FISAE associations that request it, the National Library of Catalonia and the National Library of Spain
Article 8. All ex-libris presented can be reproduced in books, catalogues, posters, postcards...
Article 9. A catalogue will be edited with the awarded and selected works and exhibitions will be held in different locations.
Article 10. The artists, by participating in the competition, accept these rules and the decisionsof the jury.

Liebe Exlibrisfreunde :
Mit dieser Mail möchten wir Sie an den Exlibris-Wettbewerb erinnern, der anlässlich des XL International Congress of Exlibrists FISAE organisiert wird und für den die folgenden Regeln gelten.
Wir hoffen, Sie bald über weitere Neuigkeiten zum Kongress informieren zu können.
Frohe Festtage und ein gutes neues Jahr, mit freundlichen Grüßen Mariano Casas Hierro, Präsident der FISAE